10 research outputs found

    Conscious and unconscious somatosensory perception and its modulation by attention

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    Our brains handle vast amounts of information incoming through our senses. Continuously exposed to sensory input, the sense of touch, however, may miss tactile stimuli, no matter how much attention we pay to them. In four empirical studies, this thesis tested (1) the feasibility of investigating undetectable stimulation by electrical finger nerve pulses, (2) how its neural correlates dissociate from detectable stimulation and (3) whether and how selective somatosensory attention nevertheless affects the neural representation of undetectable stimuli. The first two studies showed that there is a natural range of electrical stimulation intensities that cannot be detected. A rigorous statistical evaluation with Bayes factor analysis indicated that the evidence of chance performance after undetectable stimulation reliably outweighed evidence of above-chance performance. A subsequent study applying electroencephalography (EEG) revealed qualitative differences between the processing of detectable and undetectable stimulation, which is evident in altered event-related potentials (ERP). Specifically, undetectable stimulation evokes a single component that is not predictive of stimulus detectability but lacks a subsequent component, which correlates with upcoming stimulus detection. The final study showed that attention nevertheless affects neural processing of undetectable stimuli in a top-down manner as it does for detectable stimuli and fosters the view of attention and awareness being two separate and mostly independent mechanisms. The influence of the pre-stimulus oscillatory (~10 Hz) alpha amplitude—a putative marker of attentional deployment—on the ERP depended on the current attentional state and indicates that both processes are interacting but not functionally matching.:1 Touch, Consciousness, And Attention – Theoretical Considerations ........ 1-11 1.1 A Neural Account To (Un-) Consciousness ............................................ 1-12 1.2 Controlling detectability of external stimulation ...................................... 1-14 1.3 Thresholds in the light of signal detection theory ................................... 1-17 1.4 Selective attention in touch .................................................................... 1-19 1.5 Research questions ............................................................................... 1-21 2 Empirical Evidence .................................................................................... 2-25 2.1 General methods .................................................................................... 2-25 2.1.1 Stimulation ........................................................................................... 2-25 2.1.2 Threshold assessment procedure ....................................................... 2-25 2.1.3 Behavioral analysis .............................................................................. 2-26 2.1.4 Electrophysiological measurement ...................................................... 2-28 2.1.5 Analysis of event-related potentials ..................................................... 2-30 2.1.6 Spectral Analysis resolved over time ................................................... 2-30 2.2 Psychophysical assessment of subthreshold stimulation ........................ 2-33 2.2.1 A method for assessing the individual absolute detection threshold (ADTH) ......................................................................................................... 2-33 2.2.2 Validation of absolute detection threshold assessment by signal detection theory measures and Bayesian Null-Hypothesis testing ................ 2-39 2.3 Non-invasive neural markers of unconscious perception ....................... 2-47 2.3.1 Neural Correlates of Undetectable Somatosensory Stimulation in EEG and fMRI ...................................................................................................... 2-47 2.3.2 Prediction of stimulus perception by features of the evoked potential for different stimulation intensities along the psychometric function ................. 2-51 2.4 The role of Rolandic Alpha Activity in Somatosensation and its Relation to Attention ................................................................................................. 2-75 3 General Discussion and Conclusions ...................................................... 3-101 3.1 Summary of empirical results ................................................................ 3-101 3.2 Neural processing of undetectable stimulation ..................................... 3-102 3.3 Attention, awareness and neural oscillatory activity ............................. 3-104 3.4 Limits of the current studies and future perspectives ........................... 3-109 References .................................................................................................... 113 Summary ....................................................................................................... 137 Zusammenfassung ........................................................................................ 143 Curriculum Vitae ............................................................................................ 151 SelbstĂ€ndigkeitserklĂ€rung ............................................................................. 155 Nachweis ĂŒber die Anteile der Co-Autoren .................................................... 15

    Dynamics of attentional allocation to targets and distractors during visual search

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    open repository that accompanies the publication: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.11975

    Conscious and unconscious somatosensory perception and its modulation by attention

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    Our brains handle vast amounts of information incoming through our senses. Continuously exposed to sensory input, the sense of touch, however, may miss tactile stimuli, no matter how much attention we pay to them. In four empirical studies, this thesis tested (1) the feasibility of investigating undetectable stimulation by electrical finger nerve pulses, (2) how its neural correlates dissociate from detectable stimulation and (3) whether and how selective somatosensory attention nevertheless affects the neural representation of undetectable stimuli. The first two studies showed that there is a natural range of electrical stimulation intensities that cannot be detected. A rigorous statistical evaluation with Bayes factor analysis indicated that the evidence of chance performance after undetectable stimulation reliably outweighed evidence of above-chance performance. A subsequent study applying electroencephalography (EEG) revealed qualitative differences between the processing of detectable and undetectable stimulation, which is evident in altered event-related potentials (ERP). Specifically, undetectable stimulation evokes a single component that is not predictive of stimulus detectability but lacks a subsequent component, which correlates with upcoming stimulus detection. The final study showed that attention nevertheless affects neural processing of undetectable stimuli in a top-down manner as it does for detectable stimuli and fosters the view of attention and awareness being two separate and mostly independent mechanisms. The influence of the pre-stimulus oscillatory (~10 Hz) alpha amplitude—a putative marker of attentional deployment—on the ERP depended on the current attentional state and indicates that both processes are interacting but not functionally matching.:1 Touch, Consciousness, And Attention – Theoretical Considerations ........ 1-11 1.1 A Neural Account To (Un-) Consciousness ............................................ 1-12 1.2 Controlling detectability of external stimulation ...................................... 1-14 1.3 Thresholds in the light of signal detection theory ................................... 1-17 1.4 Selective attention in touch .................................................................... 1-19 1.5 Research questions ............................................................................... 1-21 2 Empirical Evidence .................................................................................... 2-25 2.1 General methods .................................................................................... 2-25 2.1.1 Stimulation ........................................................................................... 2-25 2.1.2 Threshold assessment procedure ....................................................... 2-25 2.1.3 Behavioral analysis .............................................................................. 2-26 2.1.4 Electrophysiological measurement ...................................................... 2-28 2.1.5 Analysis of event-related potentials ..................................................... 2-30 2.1.6 Spectral Analysis resolved over time ................................................... 2-30 2.2 Psychophysical assessment of subthreshold stimulation ........................ 2-33 2.2.1 A method for assessing the individual absolute detection threshold (ADTH) ......................................................................................................... 2-33 2.2.2 Validation of absolute detection threshold assessment by signal detection theory measures and Bayesian Null-Hypothesis testing ................ 2-39 2.3 Non-invasive neural markers of unconscious perception ....................... 2-47 2.3.1 Neural Correlates of Undetectable Somatosensory Stimulation in EEG and fMRI ...................................................................................................... 2-47 2.3.2 Prediction of stimulus perception by features of the evoked potential for different stimulation intensities along the psychometric function ................. 2-51 2.4 The role of Rolandic Alpha Activity in Somatosensation and its Relation to Attention ................................................................................................. 2-75 3 General Discussion and Conclusions ...................................................... 3-101 3.1 Summary of empirical results ................................................................ 3-101 3.2 Neural processing of undetectable stimulation ..................................... 3-102 3.3 Attention, awareness and neural oscillatory activity ............................. 3-104 3.4 Limits of the current studies and future perspectives ........................... 3-109 References .................................................................................................... 113 Summary ....................................................................................................... 137 Zusammenfassung ........................................................................................ 143 Curriculum Vitae ............................................................................................ 151 SelbstĂ€ndigkeitserklĂ€rung ............................................................................. 155 Nachweis ĂŒber die Anteile der Co-Autoren .................................................... 15

    Conscious and unconscious somatosensory perception and its modulation by attention

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    Our brains handle vast amounts of information incoming through our senses. Continuously exposed to sensory input, the sense of touch, however, may miss tactile stimuli, no matter how much attention we pay to them. In four empirical studies, this thesis tested (1) the feasibility of investigating undetectable stimulation by electrical finger nerve pulses, (2) how its neural correlates dissociate from detectable stimulation and (3) whether and how selective somatosensory attention nevertheless affects the neural representation of undetectable stimuli. The first two studies showed that there is a natural range of electrical stimulation intensities that cannot be detected. A rigorous statistical evaluation with Bayes factor analysis indicated that the evidence of chance performance after undetectable stimulation reliably outweighed evidence of above-chance performance. A subsequent study applying electroencephalography (EEG) revealed qualitative differences between the processing of detectable and undetectable stimulation, which is evident in altered event-related potentials (ERP). Specifically, undetectable stimulation evokes a single component that is not predictive of stimulus detectability but lacks a subsequent component, which correlates with upcoming stimulus detection. The final study showed that attention nevertheless affects neural processing of undetectable stimuli in a top-down manner as it does for detectable stimuli and fosters the view of attention and awareness being two separate and mostly independent mechanisms. The influence of the pre-stimulus oscillatory (~10 Hz) alpha amplitude—a putative marker of attentional deployment—on the ERP depended on the current attentional state and indicates that both processes are interacting but not functionally matching.:1 Touch, Consciousness, And Attention – Theoretical Considerations ........ 1-11 1.1 A Neural Account To (Un-) Consciousness ............................................ 1-12 1.2 Controlling detectability of external stimulation ...................................... 1-14 1.3 Thresholds in the light of signal detection theory ................................... 1-17 1.4 Selective attention in touch .................................................................... 1-19 1.5 Research questions ............................................................................... 1-21 2 Empirical Evidence .................................................................................... 2-25 2.1 General methods .................................................................................... 2-25 2.1.1 Stimulation ........................................................................................... 2-25 2.1.2 Threshold assessment procedure ....................................................... 2-25 2.1.3 Behavioral analysis .............................................................................. 2-26 2.1.4 Electrophysiological measurement ...................................................... 2-28 2.1.5 Analysis of event-related potentials ..................................................... 2-30 2.1.6 Spectral Analysis resolved over time ................................................... 2-30 2.2 Psychophysical assessment of subthreshold stimulation ........................ 2-33 2.2.1 A method for assessing the individual absolute detection threshold (ADTH) ......................................................................................................... 2-33 2.2.2 Validation of absolute detection threshold assessment by signal detection theory measures and Bayesian Null-Hypothesis testing ................ 2-39 2.3 Non-invasive neural markers of unconscious perception ....................... 2-47 2.3.1 Neural Correlates of Undetectable Somatosensory Stimulation in EEG and fMRI ...................................................................................................... 2-47 2.3.2 Prediction of stimulus perception by features of the evoked potential for different stimulation intensities along the psychometric function ................. 2-51 2.4 The role of Rolandic Alpha Activity in Somatosensation and its Relation to Attention ................................................................................................. 2-75 3 General Discussion and Conclusions ...................................................... 3-101 3.1 Summary of empirical results ................................................................ 3-101 3.2 Neural processing of undetectable stimulation ..................................... 3-102 3.3 Attention, awareness and neural oscillatory activity ............................. 3-104 3.4 Limits of the current studies and future perspectives ........................... 3-109 References .................................................................................................... 113 Summary ....................................................................................................... 137 Zusammenfassung ........................................................................................ 143 Curriculum Vitae ............................................................................................ 151 SelbstĂ€ndigkeitserklĂ€rung ............................................................................. 155 Nachweis ĂŒber die Anteile der Co-Autoren .................................................... 15

    Dynamics of attentional allocation to targets and distractors during visual search

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    There is much debate about the neural mechanisms that achieve suppression of salient distracting stimuli during visual search. The proactive suppression hypothesis asserts that if exposed to the same distractors repeatedly, these stimuli are actively inhibited before attention can be shifted to them. A contrasting proposal holds that attention is initially captured by salient distractors but is subsequently withdrawn. By concurrently measuring stimulus-driven and intrinsic brain potentials in 36 healthy human participants, we obtained converging evidence against early proactive suppression of distracting input. Salient distractors triggered negative event-related potentials (N1pc/N2pc), enhanced the steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) relative to non-salient (filler) stimuli, and suppressed contralateral relative to ipsilateral alpha-band amplitudes-three electrophysiological measure associated with the allocation of attention-even though these distractors did not interfere with behavioral responses to the search targets. Furthermore, these measures indicated that both stimulus-driven and goal-driven allocations of attention occurred in conjunction with one another, with the goal-driven effect enhancing and prolonging the stimulus-driven effect. These results provide a new perspective on the traditional dichotomy between bottom-up and top-down attentional allocation. Control experiments revealed that continuous marking of the locations at which the search display items were presented resulted in a dramatic and unexpected conversion of the target-elicited N2pc into a shorter-latency N1pc in association with faster reaction times to the targets

    Attentional capture is modulated by stimulus saliency in visual search as evidenced by event-related potentials and alpha oscillations

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    This study used a typical four-item search display to investigate top-down control over attentional capture in an additional singleton paradigm. By manipulating target and distractor color and shape, stimulus saliency relative to the remaining items was systematically varied. One group of participants discriminated the side of a dot within a salient orange target (ST group) presented with green circles (fillers) and a green diamond distractor. A second group discriminated the side of the dot within a green diamond target presented with green circle fillers and a salient orange square distractor (SD group). Results showed faster reaction times and a shorter latency of the N2pc component in the event-related potential (ERP) to the more salient targets in the ST group. Both salient and less salient distractors elicited Pd components of equal amplitude. Behaviorally, no task interference was observed with the less salient distractor, indicating the prevention of attentional capture. However, reaction times were slower in the presence of the salient distractor, which conflicts with the hypothesis that the Pd reflects proactive distractor suppression. Contrary to recent proposals that elicitation of the Pd requires competitive interactions with a target, we found a greater Pd amplitude when the distractor was presented alone. Alpha-band amplitudes decreased during target processing (event-related desynchronization), but no significant amplitude enhancement was observed at electrodes contralateral to distractors regardless of their saliency. The results demonstrate independent neural mechanisms for target and distractor processing and support the view that top-down guidance of attention can be offset (counteracted) by relative stimulus saliency

    A mind-brain-body dataset of MRI, EEG, cognition, emotion, and peripheral physiology in young and old adults

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    We present a publicly available dataset of 227 healthy participants comprising a young (N=153, 25.1±3.1 years, range 20-35 years, 45 female) and an elderly group (N=74, 67.6±4.7 years, range 59-77 years, 37 female) acquired cross-sectionally in Leipzig, Germany, between 2013 and 2015 to study mind-body-emotion interactions. During a two-day assessment, participants completed MRI at 3 Tesla (resting-state fMRI, quantitative T1 (MP2RAGE), T2-weighted, FLAIR, SWI/QSM, DWI) and a 62-channel EEG experiment at rest. During task-free resting-state fMRI, cardiovascular measures (blood pressure, heart rate, pulse, respiration) were continuously acquired. Anthropometrics, blood samples, and urine drug tests were obtained. Psychiatric symptoms were identified with Standardized Clinical Interview for DSM IV (SCID-I), Hamilton Depression Scale, and Borderline Symptoms List. Psychological assessment comprised 6 cognitive tests as well as 21 questionnaires related to emotional behavior, personality traits and tendencies, eating behavior, and addictive behavior. We provide information on study design, methods, and details of the data. This dataset is part of the larger MPI Leipzig Mind-Brain-Body database